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18 dokumenter
Sustainability of building products
Issuance of an EPD for the mentioned building product
Issuance of a product passport for sustainability for DGNB, LEED, BREEAM
Initial type-testing for the relevant characteristics of the products by an accredited testing body
Initial inspection of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert
record produktportfolio
Løsningerne i denne portfolio kan udelukkende dække en lille del af de mange muligheder og skal kun formidle dig et første indtryk af vores omfangsrige leveringsprogram. record-partneren, der findes i nærheden af dig, vil gerne rådgive dig i forbindelse med planlægningen af dit automatiske dørsystem.
One million cycles declaration
The manufacturer agtatec ltd. – Allmendstrasse 24 – CH-8320 Fehraltorf guarantees one million movement cycles for the following door operator STA / TSA 20 or 21 or 22 incl. DUO / RED version, for one or two side sliding doors agtatec ltd., guarantees that these types of operators are designed to fulfil this specification on condition that the technical data and operating conditions comply with the manufacturer’s manual regular care and maintenance comply with manufacturer’s manual